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Fine art giclee print with white rose on a sea foam background

Fine Art Prints

The brushstrokes on the page and the space between


I am creating an ever-expanding body of fine art prints, digital paintings that are based on my photography. They’ve sorted themselves into two main groups: New York Noir and Nature.


While living in NYC I loved to wander the streets, looking for mysterious and liminal scenes to shoot, especially the glamour of stormy days and foggy nights. Now I live in Oregon and I'm still stalking the mysterious and liminal, in Nature.


There are patterns of light, shadow, atmosphere and reflections that seem to beckon, as portals to the Beyond. Sometimes the feeling is sometimes like meditation, sometimes like amazement-- a feeling of entrancement. I try to capture that experience in photos, which evolve into artworks through intuition and experimentation.


It starts by exploring, through many layers of digital painting, whatever inspired me to take the shot. I work to get closer to that feeling of Rightness, but experiments often take the piece somewhere unexpected. In the end, some images stay true to their source while others become abstractions. But they all embody the seed of their origins. In this way the essential energies endure.

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